Creative & UX

Leading Influencer Marketing Agency in Kerala

Influencer Marketing is the online version of a word-of-mouth recommendation. Managing a brand’s online reputation with precision, Intsace is an Influencer Marketing Agency in Kerala with an extensive network of industry specific influencers & years of experience managing Influencer Marketing Campaigns.

What do web design services from Intsace include?

1Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Targeted Audiences

From strategy, content creation, execution to ROI analysis; the Intsace Influencer Marketing team are a full-service Influencer Agency that develop & manage your customised & targeted Influencer Marketing Campaigns. The identification of the perfect Influencer Talent to promote your business is crucial, starting with the analysis of influencer audience demographics, content style & how the campaign compliments your wider marketing strategy.

2Influencer Relationship Management

Maximising exposure

Influencer Relationship Management (IRM) is essential as part of the day-to-day management of all powerful marketing strategies. Identifying opportunities to engage with local, micro & macro influencers that already interact with your business is a highly cost effective & impactful segment of a well balanced Influencer Marketing Strategy. As an Influencer Marketing Agency with long-term client partnerships, we have worked to develop an industry first Influencer Relationship Management strategy to ensure the on-going exposure benefits of true Influencer partnerships online & offline.

3Micro & Macro Influencer Strategy

Tailored Approach

Intsace has unprecedented Influencer Talent access across multiple continents. Leveraging different types of Influencer audiences for specific campaigns is paramount. Follower count is not the only metric that matters. The age, gender, location & interests of Influencer followers / subscribers need to be carefully selected to match the campaign objectives. Hyper specific `micro-influencer` accounts can deliver a higher return on investment when campaigns are executed effectively.

4Influencer Content Amplification

Brand Validation

Re-positioning content generated by influencers is a cost-effective and important element of Influencer Relationship Management. Alongside serving as a form of online gratitude, amplifying high quality, influencer generated content is crucial to any marketing strategy. Businesses should aim to increase their percentage of user generated content specifically through infuencers. Influencer content has the added benefit of a higher peer-to-peer value, along with a larger audience.

5Brand Awareness

Explosive Reach

Influencer Marketing campaigns are one of the quickest & most effective ways to increase brand awareness. With a variety of different audiences available via different types of influencers, brands can elevate their brand positioning by association with influencers that are an ``authority`` in a specific niche or sector.

Influencers are not only restricted to platforms such as Instagram, an influencer campaign can be a cost effective way to raise brand awareness on other platforms such as Podcasts, Youtube, LinkedIn or traditional blogging.

6Increased Traffic

Drive Sales

Ultimately as a Marketing Agency we increase revenue by driving traffic to your Social Media channels and/ or your website. Influencer Marketing can provide dramatic increases to inbound traffic and prove an essential source of ongoing new customer generation.

Alongside increasing revenue directly, Influencer Marketing can help to grow your subscribed audience/ community to further spread you brand’s message & leverage the increased audience to amplify your sales revenue.

7Peer to Peer Validation

Online Word of Mouth

The hidden value of Influencer Marketing campaigns is how close an online endorsement from an influencer is to a ``real-world`` word-of-mouth recommendation. Influencers have been given the permission to show their content to their follower base via the follow or subscribe button on their pages. Leveraging this online phenomenon is half art, half science. Partnering with the best talent whilst ensuring content remains authentic is at the heart of Intsace as a Kerala's Influencer Marketing Agency & remains a key differentiator to our competitors.

8Quality Content

Customer Generated

Higher quality social media posts receive higher engagement & consumer generated content is more authentic. Using our unique IRM methodology, Intsace consultants curate, create & cascade micro & macro influencer generated content to a brand's existing community whilst attracting a new relevant audience across multiple channels.

More than just an Influencer Marketing Agency, Intsace partners with brands to harness the power of Influencer Marketing, producing authentic, high quality content that is amplified to a relevant, highly engaged community.


Influencer Marketing Services

We partner with clients to define campaigns, measure performance & unlike Influencer dedicated agencies, we integrate Influencer Marketing campaigns into the wider marketing landscape. Maximising other marketing channels in addition, brands can harness the power of Influencer Marketing & leverage this new channel into an essential part of their marketing strategy.

  • Dedicated Account Managers.
  • Cross-Channel Campaigns.
  • Frequent Communication
  • On-Demand Reporting.


079944 53355